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Let’s Go Outside!


One of the challenges we face daily is the small outdoor space we have at our school.  However, we have managed to find ways to increase gross motor opportunities by focusing our enrichment classes on gross motor activities.  Last fall, we did yoga and this spring, we have Soccer Shots.  Our children get a lot of outdoor time regardless of the limited space we have.  Being outdoors do not only provide opportunities for physical growth, but it also allows the children to interact with other age groups, thus increasing their ability to socialize, participate in group dynamics and create their own games and rules.

Here is an excerpt from the Community Playthings Blog on why outdoor time is very important.

Why Kids Need Time Outdoors (and lots of it)

Longer school days, more homework, urbanization, organized sports, and daily access to technology. . . . we all know the statistics: children are spending less time in nature than ever before. Studies confirm that kids now spend up to 90% of their leisure time inside. Sadly, many schools contribute to this trend.

“We don’t place the proper value on time outside, time without intentional goals or structured expectations,” writes Lauren Maples, founder of Bija School in Brooklyn, NY. “This is robbing our kids of joy and challenge—both such meaningful parts of life.”

“Unlike a structured school day, the routine of home life, or sports, there is no telling what one will encounter outside. Whether it is crossing a stream, building a fort, or figuring out how to scale a rock, time in nature helps kids figure stuff out. When kids learn to problem solve in situations that are fun and spontaneous they are able to carry those skills into their schoolwork and daily life.”

Time in nature is not just a luxury; it’s a very important educational platform which every teacher and parent should embrace.